Friday, January 25, 2013

Rescue Equipment - FOR SALE

     The Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District is accepting sealed bids for the sale of used hydraulic rescue tools. The tools have been group into three different packages, Package A, Package B, and Package C. Click on the packages just mentioned to see more details and descriptions for each.
     Interested parties should bid on a particular package. Interested parties may bid on multiple packages, but a separate bid must be submitted for each package.
     Bids must be received by 1600 hours 26 February, 2013. All bids will be opened immediately after the deadline.

Bids should be mailed to:
          Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District

          Sunrise Beach, MO 65079
          Attn: Chief Dennis Reilly

Envelopes must be clearly marked "Rescue Tool Bid"

- Each bid must clearly state which one of the packages the bid is for.
- The Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
- A minimum bid is identified for each of the packages.
- All units are sold in "As Is" condition without any warranties, either expressed or implied.
Questions may be directed to Chief Dennis Reilly at (573) 374-4411.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes for January 21st, 2013 - DRAFT

Next Board Meeting - February 20th, 2013 at 1730 hours.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Stork 12

We are very pleased to announce the arrival of three new members to the extend family here at the SBFPD.   FF Kiley Hartzler of the C Platoon gave birth to her son Brody Thomas on the 14th of  November, FF Jamie Karl of the C Platoon welcomed his daughter Aydree Ann Catherine on the 19th of November, and Captain Embich IV of the A Platoon welcomed his daughter, Allyssa Jo on the 28th of November.

Everyone is doing well and all the members have returned to duty.  We extend our congratulations to all and look forward to sharing plenty of time with our newest recruits!!

When they are ready to start doing PT send them my way, and I will get them ready.  ~ Chief DPR

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Congratulations Captain Hufferd

After an extensive selection process that include an apprenticeship, a written test, a PT test, and an assessment, Michael Hufferd has been selected to fill the vacant Captain position.  Hufferd, a 10 year veteran of the District, was sworn in at the December Board meeting.

Good job Cap, and our wishes for a successful assignment.